Femdom male punishment stories

Walking around to his front, she used the butt of the whip to lift his chin. He cared for the blade, he cleaned it daily, making sure it was in top shape and sharp enough to give him the right amount of sting. Slow, soft taps; speed and force increased with each stroke. A roofie rendered him docile. Every nerve seems to shriek in response. Men need physical discipline to help them remain humble and respectful. He will begin to obey without hesitation or quibbling.
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Femdom Corporal Punishment Stories

Lisa was absolutely right, Jamal and Tyrone were at our house practically every day to fuck my wife. I am not as inclined as at home to slap him if I sense that it could offend or for instance in a restaurant disturb people but then there fortunately are other ways of getting his full attention and correcting him; pinching can even in a restaurant or when standing in queue be done discretely but still cause intense pain and of course there is usually the possibility if necessary to take him aside to a quiet corner where I undisturbed can scold and slap him. The Femdomosophic Church rarely hosts marriages. Human Toilet and Femdom Some men get excited about being used as a woman's toilet because to them it is the ultimate in servitude and the depths of submission. And she spanked him during sex.
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Reader Interactions

He could not talk, only twitch and moan. That Mistress Dale should see him naked, embarrassed the man. I am skilled in many different areas of BDSM and always seeking the right sub, slave, or sissy to be in my presence. The Mistress Owners laughed.
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Gender equality was a core premise of political institutions and societal structures. He was always thankful. Male Humiliation Games Some random humiliation game ideas for women to use on their submissive men. He must remain on the punishment horse using only his sense of balance. Each stage is fully enacted. What an incredible woman. Lacking the abilities to become scientists and physicians, they also failed as politicians.
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