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But this marriage of activism and romance was about to implode spectacularly. Each episode is only up for one week, but the site owners have promised that there will be re-run weeks so you can catch up on any you've missed. Fire and Water by CuriousLion Fandoms: The Movie Realm of the Shadow A large multi-fandom, multi-author femslash archive. Blue Crush Realm of the Shadow A large multi-fandom, multi-author femslash archive. I write what the words say.
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Buffy: The Vampire Slayer Crossover | FanFiction

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Well I guess I like a good story line that can explore the depth of a character and show their vulnerabilities. Life and Times of Juniper Lee 1. The Scooby Gang mingles with some new Werewolves. Lesbian Language — 2 Comments.
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Resident Evil series 3. A chance to change the outcome is presented to her, a chance to right the wrong but in doing so she will open herself to a wound only one other knows about. Story Story Writer Forum Community. This takes place right after the end of the second story.
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Spoiler for Ats season 5. Mythical Babes - personal fan fiction page. TZ's Alternative Fan Fiction - personal fan fiction page. I should mention there is a sequel called The Red Macula, which I have yet to read. The dialogue flows smoothly. The whole thing actually works very well, drawing on a lot of the Mary Sue contrivances to spin a darn good plot. Why they didn't show this yesterday, before Robert Trebor's talk, I will never know.
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