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Photo from wikimedia commons. We will safeguard your e-mail and only send content you request. We have tattoos and piercings that are socially acceptable. Lucky Devil Pin Ups' models include clockwise from top left: In , two college friends introduced art into modern calendars. From the classic style to a sassy rockabilly look, all the way to a hardcore trashy aura.
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Shannon Brooke- Hot Rod Pin-Ups

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Galleries in 'Pin-up Girls' Category

A little bit of rockabilly and retro combine with the kustom kulture of today, in an atmosphere devoid of Pretension. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Hello and welcome to the new international home of Rockabilly online. These pages are operated under the assumption that this not-for-profit use on the web constitutes a 'fair use' of the copyrighted material as provided for in Section of the US Copyright Law. Monday Through Sunday
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Given that the automobile is a fairly recent invention, and considering the entire history of mankind, it is little wonder that automotive pin up girls only gained real prominence in the s. No matter if it is a style pattern, ornaments, or a certain style of apparel, we will be at the circus looking for the girl on a trapeze. No longer do women need to be established models or actresses to start working as a pin up. Once he became confident in his skills, Marmolejo focused on an area that was popular when he was growing up, pin up photography and hot rods. To understand how pin ups have evolved, we need to understand what the definition of a traditional pin up girl is. So much of the s hot rod culture came from the war era.
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