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Began on the afternoon of the 5 th and continued all day of the 6th; the enemy being repulsed everywhere and compelled to recross the river. Armistead and a little later Mr. The boxwood have grown to be giants and are the beauty of the lawn today; the terraces shown in the sketch made for the Garden Club still indent the gentle slope. Perhaps these names will breathe life into our record, and distract from the inexorable passage of Time, the inevitable transformation of Progress. He heard the firing and the report of a fight yesterday in the direction of Louisa Courthouse and came home. At one time he lived in the Point of Fork Mansion; he may also have lived on part of the property called Gale Hill, for here he was buried. Beauregard commands our troops.
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Payne and his staff and some of his officers, invited by my son Robert - in all 9 and their servants - came before dinner to stay all night. On the 6th a party came to Fluvanna Court House, burnt the Mill there and the covered bridge across the Rivanna. Gait notes in his diary: OCTOBER I have had no heart to continue my notes; the sudden and to me unexpected collapse of the war — I ought to say Rebellion, as it is now called and by many who were loud in crying for seccession! We hope such histories will be written, and that we can publish them. The commercial buildings and old homes disappeared with the years.
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