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I've heard a lot of horror stories about male gynecologists being inattentive and dismissive towards female problems, so I've always been somewhat sexist when selecting my gynecologist. I'm so glad to have seen this video Dr. Blake was very professional and caring, and it made me realize that a doctor's gender doesn't have any bearing on skill. I love my current gyno, but the next time I move cities I will not automatically eliminate a doctor based on gender. Thank you for helping me see that my fears were based on prejudice, not fact, Lindsey!
Classy lady with a cunt waiting to be revealed. The nylon panties is a good turn on. Perhaps there is a part ? Thx.
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I've heard a lot of horror stories about male gynecologists being inattentive and dismissive towards female problems, so I've always been somewhat sexist when selecting my gynecologist. I'm so glad to have seen this video Dr. Blake was very professional and caring, and it made me realize that a doctor's gender doesn't have any bearing on skill. I love my current gyno, but the next time I move cities I will not automatically eliminate a doctor based on gender. Thank you for helping me see that my fears were based on prejudice, not fact, Lindsey!
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