Login or Sign Up. I asked him to get some of the liquid soap and put it on my cock so it would slide through the hole. I was now so excited and my cock so swelled up, I couldn't move it out of the hole, so I needed the guy's help. What if I want to do more? I've been inside some that were no more than three or four feet wide and nearly as deep. I don't like to use the urinals, so I went inside one of the stalls. At least it wasn't painful, though.
Dude and you're definitely mostly a dude if you have a dick , if the other guy didn't want your dick, he wouldn't have ASKED for it, you know? Think about it, most of the guys are married and sneaking away for a bit of a thrill that no one is ever going to know about. Preview This is a preview of how your comment will appear. Thank you for submitting your comment! How do I find one?
Yes, but not very often. Preview This is a preview of how your comment will appear. I thought why not, because this hole was wider, besides, I DO like the way it feels. What are the booths like? I'm a chick, can I visit one? If you're a guy hoping to suck some dick, whip it out! Let's get the controversial part out of the way:
Happened to me on a delivery. the next time i went to her place, she invited me in for a shot... ;)
I want to lick her ass and pay for it. Please lelt me know the price. [email protected]
Oh no she didn't!
Do places like this exist globally? I'm in England and wondered if things work the same here. I wouldn't know where to look to ensure safety.
I would like to fuck that pussy
beatiful scen lake very much