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We had such good, real, emotional conversation happening in the comments. That being said, I was a victim of early childhood sexual abuse and child pornography. Thank you for this!!! On a shoot where a model might wear dozens of outfits, padding is an easier way to make clothes fit snugly — much like the clothespins that are hidden out of view and used to perfect the fit of garments in high-fashion editorials. Words hurt more than abuse and leave deeper scars. Why the need to share it publicly then? But I also just want to see some posts about the other side of things.
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Why not let your intelligent kid choose how she wants to put her creativity when she is at an age to make that kind of decision? Oh honestly, some people are so reactive. A year ago I decided this had to change. Look at this fat! When I first started modeling, they told us that women want to see really skinny women sell regular-sized clothing. This makes me so mad, how is this even child pornography, like seriously?? This definitely is a powerful photo.
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