Mathematics of cunnilingus

Mike May 17, at 7: Oh, and then there's the non sequitur about how the girl wants to become a scientist and a Batman joke in the alt text at least I pray it's a Batman joke and not some sort of abortive reference to his velociraptor paranoia , and it's over. For someone who was supposed to like girls, Frank was really not a much better feminist than he was a scientist, Gerard decided. At first I thought the back of the chair was the dude's body and he was feeling up her knee. If not, I certainly do. Does anyone else have this problem of constantly overcomplicating math? Email or Phone Password Forgotten account?
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The snickering voice in Gerard's brain said, heh, Frank said "do me," but the rest of Gerard's brain was busy with-- holy shit, Frank said, "do me. Little is known of his life except that he was the son of a customs offical and, as a child, he travelled around North Africa with his father, where he learned about Arabic mathematics. The Hadith claims that there is no difference between the penis and the other parts of body. There are also the following verses on the subject:
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