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True Blood revolved around telepathic waitress, Sookie Stackhouse, as she deals with vampires, werewolves and other supernatural forces. Macy , Ethan Cutkosky , Shanola Hampton. The series featured a lot of sexual content and sometimes pushed the envelope on what they could do. The series won 21 Prime Time Emmy Awards. It resonated with women around the world, as it examined issues women commonly experienced in their relationships, but perhaps never talked about publicly. Here's our list of the TV shows that have the most nudity, beginning in
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List of adult animated television series

What the hell is so great about Family Guy? Culhane also states that he does not remember any instance in which the film was censored. The protagonist, Sophie, is a retired lawyer. Breaking Bad is amazing, if you haven't seen it yet, and I second the person who said Flashpoint - great show, brutal at times, and the endings are generally pretty heartbreaking.
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When Bakshi refused to cooperate with the network, the series was canceled. Four of the Japanese TV networks have similar late night anime blocks: Loren Bouchard , Brendon Small. In , Mike Judge and Don Hertzfeldt created a new touring festival of animation marketed towards adults and college students. Another short, Bamboo Isle , contains a sequence in which Betty dances the hula topless, wearing only a lei over her breasts and a grass skirt.
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Almost all of the main cast characters cheated on their significant other. TV-MA 60 min Crime, Drama, Thriller. William Masters and Virginia Johnson, who were pioneers in the understanding of human sexuality. This anthology series is about powerful, sexy and dangerous women inspired by and styled in the tradition of pulp stories Watch the story of history's greatest gladiator unfold with graphic violence and the passions of the women that love them. There are fewer restrictions with violence and sexual content nowadays, however it can still cause controversy. In many viewers' and critics' eyes, Spartacus remains the undisputed champ of TV nudity.
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