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Dr. Doe, I'm afraid I had to dislike this video. Usually your video's are amazingly informative, but this one seemed to be aimed at condemning alcohol in every way possible. The positive points are all about 1-5 drinks, and a lot of people won't drink more than that on one night.
It's 7AM and I'm still awake, watching this bullshit. I don't even have a girlfriend. In fact, I've never had one.
You gotta be really fucked up to let another dude fuck your wife.
As a female, I always wondered how this worked and now I know thanks.
Dr. Doe, I'm afraid I had to dislike this video. Usually your video's are amazingly informative, but this one seemed to be aimed at condemning alcohol in every way possible. The positive points are all about 1-5 drinks, and a lot of people won't drink more than that on one night.
Another narcissistic sexual pervert making money from youtube views by appealing to hormonal teenagers. FAIL!
The one is not a great beauty but very sexy and sooo fuckable.
Lmao anonymous true hahah
So I hear people talking about how some guys only last a few minutes.does that mean they orgasm really quickly? And if so, how do you last longer?