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I felt like it was ten times more graphic than the take that we wanted to use, but apparently, because you miss the hand, it was like, you missed the hand but you gained a breast. With Gina it was really relaxing, because you could say things to her that you wouldn't say to other people. Can you hold my breast up so it looks more plump and juicy? She said, "I was overacting with my feet! The Wachowskis said that was a concern of theirs, too, so they decided to shoot that love scene in one long, continuous shot. The way the sex scene was done had a lot to do with Susie.
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We understand the reasons for blocking, but Vulture depends on ads to pay our writers and editors. Like, "Can you put your hand on my thigh here so my butt doesn't look so big? I think Susie Bright was consulting with the Wachowskis, and they were asking her what it was like in the lesbian world. Welcome to Sexpositions, a weeklong Vulture celebration of sex scenes in movies and on TV. The Wachowskis said, "It's homophobia! That was Susie's contribution, too. Actors are always saying, "Oh, sex scenes are so technical.
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