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It emphasizes organic foods and whole foods from local growers when available , but carries a pretty wide variety of stuff except meat, foods with meat byproducts, and processed sugar. Meetings begin at 7: Meets every Thursday at 6: Copyright - All Rights Reserved. The George Street Co-op. Contact Liz for more information.
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Meets on Thursday nights. Weight loss support group for lesbians. Tell us about your organization! Prevents abuse, protect families, and change lives through empowerment and a safety net of supportive services. To connect to this local hotline and find out more agency information please contact or SAFE
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Copyright - All Rights Reserved. Meets the first Tuesday and the third Thursday of each month 7: Cmmunity lunch and support group meets every fourth Friday at 1: Schedule of events, discussion topics and speakers available at meetings or to women on the mailing list. There are no weigh-ins, no step programs, no therapy, no guilt, and no fees or charges.
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Meets Monday evenings, 6: Ready to become a volunteer? Women talk about their issues in their community. The Pride Center of New Jersey. To connect to this local hotline and find out more agency information please contact or SAFE I am looking for support and information for myself related to my own sexual identity. Add your organization's ad!
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