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The battle between humans and the Chimera Ants ends. Zeno and Netero's sudden attack throws the palace into confusion. The Three Royal Guards kneel down to respectfully welcome the Chimera Ant King, but by doing so they signal the end of their allegiance to the Queen. From giggling with an Oscar-winning legend to swiping a jacket from set, Dennis Quaid lets us in on some unforgettable stories. Meruem voice Cristina Valenzuela His goal is to place the exits for his ability, the Fourth Dimensional Mansion. Knuckle and Shoot are lying in wait for Cheetu.
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The Phantom Troupe splits up to confront Zazan's minions individually. Meanwhile, the first of the Queen's Royal Guards is about to be born. The executive council of the Hunter Association, known as the Zodiacs, are summoned to discuss the election of a new chairman. Welfin, a wolf-like Chimera Ant, has realized that someone has infiltrated the palace.
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Beyond the Brilliant Future! Gon and Killua join the tryouts to become Greed Island players. Kurapika recounts the events that have occurred and reveals his new Nen ability. KingsSideCastle January 8, at 3: Kite has narrowed down the location of the Chimera Ants.
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Kurapika learns that the Phantom Troupe is still alive. Full Cast and Crew. Youpi is impressed by the extermination team's abilities and acknowledges their strength. In order to stop Genthru from clearing the game, Gon and Killua are asked to join an alliance. Furious, he begins his counterattack. Morel then reveals that those are his friend's abilities.
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