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We found male and female recombination rate to be strongly associated with density of H3K4me3 marks Fig. This page was last edited on 17 July , at The study was conducted at a high school in a mid-size town in the US Midwest; the exact location was not disclosed. This has been notably enabled by the availability of fine-scale and genome-wide assays that allow measurement of recombination rates and related factors in humans, mice and other species 1 , 15 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , Per cent overlap with a given repeat family or repeat elements were computed using the UCSC repeat masker table. The sex worker considers these women vulnerable and will play on their vulnerability to get the tourists to obtain feelings for the sex worker. This highlights an advantage of wavelet analysis, which avoids choosing an arbitrary window size at which to compare female and male recombination rates.
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