More why teen court

Some of the roles students fill are court clerk, bailiff, defense and prosecution attorneys, and jury members. Adult volunteers act as mentors and instruct the student volunteers in courtroom etiquette. Tabitha student volunteer The Teen Court Program works with student volunteers and first time offenders. Many youth courts establish a youth bar association or ethics body which helps to set guidelines for ethical and fair procedure. One of the more common sentences is community service. Share On vk Share On vk Share. Determine if they would like to know more about Teen Court and how to implement it at your school.
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About Teen Court - Pima County Teen Court

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Teen court

Teen courts and their verdicts are not authorized by public law. The jury then deliberates and recommends a sentence. Nonetheless, this should not deter families from participating as staff can make arrangements in order to waive the fee. How does Teen Court work?
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The Court and the public benefit from Teen Court because it enables the juvenile justice system to focus its resources on higher risk offenders. Retrieved May 22, The Bailiff introduces the defendant to the jurors and informs the jury of the charge. Over 70 judicial officers preside over Teen Courts, and typically hear trials on one to two afternoons each month. The basic principles of restorative justice are community protection, competency development, and accountability.
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Jurors You will participate as a member of a six-person teen jury. In many jury-based programs it is mandatory that the offender serve on a teen court jury. Animals Audio Books Business Buzz Celebrity Community Entertainment Food Geeky Health Investigations LGBT Life Music Nifty Parents Podcasts Puzzles Politics Reader Rewind Science Shopping Sports Style Tech Travel Weddings World. The remaining class days are reserved for case preparation and law-related education. The Court Designated Worker determines through uniform criteria that the juvenile is eligible to participate in diversion. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.
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