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Seattle home prices by proximity to fantastic ice cream Read more. However, there are distinct regional differences when it comes to cocktail preference. Options Hide All Replies Show Shortcuts. No comics or anime. Like most things California does, Texas would not approve of this bastardization of the glorious Margarita. Log in or sign up in seconds. All personal information will be removed , offenders banned.
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Please upgrade your browser. This week, a Senate committee will contemplate whether the Electronic Communications Privacy Act needs to be updated to get with the times. I had so many military customers that usually comes down to the bar where I worked at and ordered the Alabama Slammer and I just mixed it right there and slammed it right infront of their faces and the next thing you know, They're fucked up and wanted more LOL. Nice Moms Pics Naughty things posted by chainsaw chick
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Just watch it-they go down like fruit punch and kick your butt quickly. We offered this as one of the signature drinks at our daughter's baptism reception Baby Bama Slammers , and they were a real hit. Sexy Mature Thumbs For information on creating mixed drink recipes, bartending information, and measurements for alcoholic drinks, visit our Bartender Guide. Perfect for making in bulk for entertaining:
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